Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Fun - Stephen Colbert Mocks Michele Bachmann

Colbert's comment about Bachmann and her dumbbuddies as the Mensa of congress is funny, for how opposite the reality is. They're notorious for their fact free stupidity in and outside Congress.  That goes double for the Nut Gingrich.
For those who are interested, the comment made here by the Nut that the McCarthy hearings uncovered a lot of real dangerous communists is inaccurate. It is right wing tea partier revisionist history. The McCarthy hearings smeared a lot of people with suspicion but had no substantive evidence. There were a small group of Communists who were involved with the Manhatten project and who did supply espionage-gathered material to the Soviets, notably the executed Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, her brother David Greenglass, Klaus Fuchs, Harry Gold and Martin Sobell.
They were all caught through an FBI investigation, not through the House Unamerican Activities hearings. The McCarthy hearings did NOT turn up the promised numerous dangerous communist spies.  The Nut is wrong here, but then facts are his nemesis almost as much as they are Michele Bachmann's.
 In the case of Ethel Rosenberg, the testimony against her by her brother was subsequently recanted, and there is some question as to how significant the actions of these spies were. However there was never any credible or substantive evidence that McCarthy's witch hunt investigations were based on anything whatsoever that was substantive. The very term witch hunt defines these kinds of investigations as based on suspicion, superstition, and fear rather than fact. I find it ironic that given the connotations of red with communism it is embraced as the identifying color of the conservatives today - who seem to favor a similar abuse of freedom and limiting of rights, like the right to vote.

Followed by this excellent interview with Keith Ellison, whom Bachmann has acused, still without evidence, of being a radical muslim terrorist supporter and government infiltrator. It continues to amaze me how two contiguous districts send such completely different and opposite people to Congress. You have to wonder what is wrong with CD6 that they keep sending the crazy woman as their representative. Although, this election cycle might be different! Bachmann is raising a lot of money on her Muslim baiting from the tea party paranoiacs. But she is raising far less from within Minnesota and from within her district this time around. I think Michele has finally pooped once too often in her own sandbox, alienating and embarrassing her constituency. In contrast, Keith Ellison is much more popular in his neighboring district with his constituents, and consistently wins election by wide margins.  But then -- he has a much better record of serving HIS constituents and being factual.

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