Saturday, August 4, 2012

What's Wrong with Using Leviticus and Romans to Attack Gays and Marriage Equality?

What's wrong with it is that it is dishonest to use Leviticus to cherry pick (or lemon pick) one aspect if you don't follow through supporting ALL of Leviticus. And the claims about the Romans quotation from the King James Bible used against gays and gay marriage, that is not what the actual, original wording said.
Claiming the Bible as the justification, foundation, or any other kind of basis for a variety of views is not factual or accurate, but rather selective distortions and dishonest substitutions.

The Bible doesn't oppose contraception; the Bible doesn't oppose abortion, and the Bible doesn't support marriage as between one man and one woman, it supports polygamy and concubinage and legal sexual slavery as forms of simultaneous multiple partner marriage. And lets not leave out the levirate marriage REQUIREMENT, the one that got Onan in trouble (coincidentally the part of the Bible that is incorrectly used to demonize masturbation). Levirate marriage REQUIRES that a man marry AND IMPREGNATE the spouse of his widowed brother; refusing to do THAT was what got Onan in trouble, not masturbation. So, unless you want to legalize polygamy, concubinage, and levirate marriage, don't be representing yourself as holding a BIBLICAL view of marriage - because that is what the BIBLICAL content on marriage holds. If you believe otherwise, you're entitled to your beliefs, but you're not entitled to claim your beliefs are supported by Biblical authority, because they are not. Biblical beliefs are what appear in the Bible, not whatever you feel like making up. In any case, we are a democracy, a secular representative government, not a theocracy, so what you believe in the context of religion has limited importance to the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. This might be an area where the Far Left and Far Right can agree. You deplore any religious basis for marriage. I deplore government involvement. Let's agree that there will be no civil marriage anymore; anybody who wants to be married can get a religious ceremony from the church of their faith. If that faith allows gay marriage or multiple marriage, fine.

    Naturally, since there would be no spouses anymore, we could eliminate spousal rights to real estate, pensions, insurance. There would be no marital inheritance. There would be no marriage penalty for taxes or welfare, strictly income based.

    "Get government out of the bedroom" was a slogan that didn't go far enough. Get it out of our married lives, completely!

    We've found an area we agree on. This is good.
