Looks to me like Texas is soft on right wing criminals and corruption, but then, so many 'values' conservatives are soft on prostitutes, rape, influence peddling, when it is their own. That's why to the majority of the nation, GOP = H Y P O C R I T E.

Surprised ?
ReplyDeleteNah, Chuck Hagel famously and appropriately stated his allegiance : I'm a United States senator; I'm not an Israeli senator .... whereas, even before being sworn in as a US Senator, citizen-Ted Cruz was in Israel pledging his alliance :
"In my view the United States should stand unshakably alongside the nation of Israel," Cruz said at his meeting Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.
Cruz thanked Netanyahu and Israel "for your leadership protecting the security of the nation and ultimately of the United States as well, with respect to weapons of mass destruction, whether in Syria or Iran or elsewhere, and I look forward to continuing to work together to strengthen that friendship."
How much has Israel helped American security ? Versus, how much has American taxpayers provided for Israeli security ... including paying for their Kipat Barzel (Hebrew for “Iron Dome”) defense system ?
I wonder who paid for citizen-Cruz's trip ?
Remember when Congress balks about raising the US borrowing limit, we are borrowing to pay for Israel's defense.