What the know-nothings platform called for has remarkable similarity to what some of the teabagger drips really want, with the exception of being pro-liquor in the 21st century:
- Severe limits on immigration, especially from Catholic countries.
- Restricting political office to native-born Americans of English and/or Scottish lineage and Protestant persuasion.
- Mandating a wait of 21 years before an immigrant could gain citizenship.
- Restricting public school teacher positions to Protestants.
- Mandating daily Bible readings in public schools.
- Restricting the sale of liquor.
- Restricting the use of languages other than English.
According to a Rasmussen poll released Monday January 7, 2013, the republican backed Tea Party has reached its most unpopular level since its inception. Just three in 10 voters have a favorable view of the movement with half of the poll’s respondents said that they view the party “unfavorably”.
Considering in 2010 almost all of the neo-conservative movement’s candidates up for election won their positions wherein the majority of American voters had viewed it as favorable, this is quite the nose dive. Now, in the Rasmussen poll, 56 percent of American voters see the Tea Party as becoming less influential. Just 8 percent said that they personally identify with the Tea Party movement after a high of 24 percent in April of 2010 after the passing of what is now known as Obamacare.
The survey was taken between January 3 and January 4 using automated phone calls to 1,000 likely voters with a 3 percent margin of error. It should also be noted that Rasmussen had the most right leaning numbers in favor of Romney of all other pollsters during the 2012 election.
Although some members of the House’s Tea Party Caucus retained their seats after the election, the party suffered some very high profile losses with members such as Allen West, Joe Walsh and Michelle Bachmann barely holding her seat in Minnesota.Then we have the decline of right wing extremist media has been noted as well, with Glenn Sob-sister Beck being thrown off Fox News for his decline in numbers and advertisers when he so obviously was making up shit conspiracies. Then we saw Rush Limbaugh lose his puppet masters a ton of money, and advertisers, from which he has not recovered. Fox Nuisance-not-the-news has declined steeply in the ratings after the utter failure of their polling paranoia colliding with the 2012 election reality check. The credibility of the right has been badly damaged if not irreparably damaged, given the resistance of the right to fix what is wrong with their delusional fact-averse ideology, positions and policies.
And now we have an audition for the pot in the pot calling the kettle black scenario: Lame right wing conspiracy theories Czar Glenn 'Wailing hysterics' Beck has attacked another bigger right wing conspiracy theories crackpot, Alex Jones, best known for the silly "truther" movement that believes our own government was who attacked the world trade center who happens to have a far larger audience, for ......acting crazy. The reality is that ALL the far right wing nut media and blogosphere adherents promote stupid, ludicrous, too-crazy-to-be-taken-seriously conspiracies. So of course, Jones had to attack Beck back.
The right wing has badly disappointed their base, who has had their nose rubbed in the grand canyon sized chasm between right wing ideology on one side, and the objective reality the rest of us live in. Their conspiracy theories are clearly wrong; their predictions are consistently even more wrong; and fewer and fewer people want to be part of their groups any more.
The tea party claimed roughly 25% adherents in 2010, although I think that number is inflated; now that number is claimed to be around 8% - and I think that number is inflated as well. My own best guess is that once you count out the astro-turfing billionaires, the real number of tea baggers is closer to 3%........and shrinking fast. If the tea party couldn't turn out more, not less support in a general election after spending the last four years talking about how their focus was on getting rid of Obama and taking the Senate, they have dissipated into nothing after a short two years.
The right will continue to attack each other in factions of right of center and far right of center, and over the edge of the abyss of extremism far far far right of center. But the more they continue to fail their reality checks, the fewer people there will be who give a damn.
The right wing has been wrong; they need to change, or they will go the way of the dodo bird and other extinct species. While most Americans are aware that we have always had a strong two party system, and occasionally a three party system effectively, too many are unaware of how many other parties have come......and gone. The 21st century GOP and Tea Party appear to be headed in that direction if they don't learn from their mistakes, if they don't jettison a failed ideology for reality.
I certainly understand if you don't watch the whole clip of either nutjob; it's painful to those who like facts.

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