Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Texas struggling with life under communism

This is for Taigen Thorne, who said:
Lmao you probably won't be cracking so many jokes when your family's safety and your future are being threatened by our soon to be communist government. But the comfortable hat wise-crack made me chuckle...
Once again from the Daily Mash:

“Are you, or have you ever been, a member of the Republican party?”

TEXAS is now a communist state following the re-election of Barack Obama, it has emerged.

The president has introduced the forced collectivisation of farms, the confiscation of private weapons and replaced repeats of The Dukes Of Hazzard with four hour documentaries about tractors.

Country and western has been banned, replaced by state-approved raps in praise of the Dear Leader Obama. No one is allowed to leave the country except to go to Cuba.

Texan Tom Booker said: “While African-Americans and Muslims enjoy special state privileges and cushy jobs, we ordinary white Texans must endure their towns and hamlets being burned down by Obama’s henchmen.

“We can’t even  flee to Mexico because they’ve built a 16 foot high wall with watchtowers and electric fences.”

Meanwhile, right wing commentators such as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have fallen meekly silent, fearful of reprisals from the president’s secret police.

In Dallas, now known as Husseinstan, a statue of Lee Harvey Oswald has been erected, hailing him as the revolutionary martyr who slaughtered the Imperialist enemy of the people John F Kennedy.

A source at Fox News, now the official state propaganda channel, said: “We at Fox welcome our new master and overlord. We are all red states now. Get used to it.”

Please note, Taigen, that this comes from the Daily Mash, which is a British Satirical site that makes fun of people like you and their bizarre beliefs.


  1. Let me reiterate, this is SATIRE.

    For those unable to make the distinction because of the delusions brought on by their paranoia.

    More satire: I predict the CDC will classify paranoia as a contagious disease which you can catch from watching or listening to Rush Limpdick, Glenn Boo hoo Beck, the majority of talking heads at Fake news (fox news) or other right wing blogs or media sources.

    This will be the first time that such a mental illness was deemed contagious, or that this could be the medium or method of infection. The medicos at the CDC will no doubt receive a Nobel prize for this discovery.

    1. Perhaps, Taigen Thorne will move to Australia with Kristen Neel "because their president is a Christian and actually supports what he says."

      Um, I hate to break it to you, but look up "Julia Gillard" and "Atheist" for a serious revelation.

      Or just Kristen Neel Australia.

      Taigen, a bit of advice, get real.
