I can only assume that the figure seeking admission through the pearly gates is NOT Senator wann-a-bee Richard Mourdock of Indiana, who has spectacularly deserved the urban dictionary designation Mourdouche by being an insensitive, intolerant, misogynist jerk in the name of religion for insisting it is 'God's plan' for women to become pregnant by rape.
It is NOT. This is about one group, the anti-abortion group, forcing their belief, unsupported by facts or science, onto others in the most offensive way possible, denying the rest of us the right to our own belief and faith. The ultra conservative extremists are perfectly willing to deny other people their choice, their freedom, their morality, by insisting - coercively - that only they can decide what is right or wrong for everyone else, that they have some sort of spiritual monopoly on what God thinks.
The reality is that either they are schizophrenic, and hear voices they attribute to Gos due to mental illness, OR they have no more entitlement to determine what is right or wrong than anyone else does.
Biden gets it that people of principle and ethics and morality can disagree on this issue. Only misogynist extremists force their beliefs on others - and that can include misogynist women.
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