What future generations, without assistance, does Mitts on R-money (to give it to the wealthy) think there are going to be?

Mitt and the conservatives do not understand that the reason we have insurance, the reason we have emergency responders, the reason we have disaster relief is that we are profoundly stronger as a nation, including economically, the less we are affected by disasters and tragedies. This is true of individual disasters, this is true of local disasters, this is true of regional and national/multi-state disasters.
When we provide this assistance to people for the recovery from these disruptive events, we are all stronger, we are all economically healthier, we are all safer from the spread of disease associated with these events like cholera and other illnesses.
We are all better than this for humane reasons, when we provide this help, these services. Romney would privatize those things which are better provided WITHOUT it being for profit, and without it being privatized.
If we have learned nothing else, we should know from the disasters of fraud and GREATER expense from using contractors for military services in Iraq and Afghanistan that we receive worse service at greater expense and with less transparency and accountability when we use private providers. The myth that the private sector will do a better, more cost effective, less wasteful job is a myth. There are many government services which are provided MORE efficiently and less costly than the private sector. If you don't believe that, try sending a letter first class through any commercial service provider for the cost of a first class stamp.
That is part of the problem with the ideology of the right; they do not adjust or adapt their policies or assumptions based on facts and evidence. They ignore any facts that do not support their thinking -- and there are a lot of those facts.

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