Large type/italic/bold content below indicates my emphasis - DG.
It strongly suggests that this is and has been nothing more nor less than an effort at partisan smearing, rather than a genuine and sincere, non-partisan/bi-partisan effort to deal with the tragedy, including a fair and honest investigation.
These Republicans are without shame or conscience, morality or decency.
THIS is the result of Grover Norquist's tax pledge, THIS is the result of the Tea Party policies, every bit as much as it is the result of terrorists. THIS is the tragedy of government irresponsibility in spending cuts, THIS is the failure of the Bush Tax cuts which have resulted in dramatically inadequate revenue.
This is the right wing shame.
October 9, 2012
To: Democratic Members of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Fr: Democratic Staff
Re: Hearing on “The Security Failures of Benghazi”
On Wednesday, October 10, 2012, at 12:00 p.m., in room 2154 of the Rayburn House
Office Building, the Committee will hold a hearing to examine the recent attack against the
temporary U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and
three other Americans. This memo provides background on the attack, the political and security
situation in Libya, recent cuts to embassy security funding, and various allegations relating to the
lead-up to, and aftermath of, the attack.
This memo describes only a limited amount of information that has been provided to the
Committee because Chairman Issa and his staff have declined to make full information available
to Democratic Members. In addition, since the Committee has not received any classified
briefings about the attack as part of its investigation, this summary is based on public reports and
non-classified information. The memo addresses the following topics:
I. The Attack on the Diplomatic Post in Benghazi 2
II. The Political Situation in Libya 3
III. The Security Situation in Libya 4
IV. Cuts to Embassy Security Funding 5
V. Allegations that the Department Refused Additional Security Requests 8
VI. Allegations that the Administration Misled the Public About the Attack 10
VII. The State Department’s Response 12
VIII. The Committee’s Partisan Investigation 13
IX. Witnesses 17

No surprise.
ReplyDeleteChairman Issa has demonstrated the power of Congressional Oversight regularly holding hearings -- ranging from women's health with no women allowed to participate to Postal Reform (where only his bill is considered) ... this is the power of the Chairman.
Similarly, we have the Education and Workforce Committee which has held hearings on National Labor Relations Boards rulings (i.e. Boeing), recess appointments, "ambush" elections, "gainful employment", etc.
The approach is to use the power of the Congressional Committee to respond to complaints raised by the Heritage Foundation, Chamber of Commerce, and other supporters ... not for issues that truly concern citizens ... for example, JOBS ... and the mismatch in the skills gap.
The Chairman of the Education and Workforce Committee is John Kline and he will not mention that his committee has failed to pass NoChildLeftBehind reform legislation that everyone agrees needs to be done ... instead, he is running a commercial trumpeting the need for a Constitutional Amendment for a Balance Budget. Give me a break. Chairman Kline does not tell voters that in 2011, the House failed to approve the amendment with notables such as Paul Ryan and David Dreier voicing objections. And even if it passed, it would have to go to the Senate for approval and then await for 3/4ths of the state legislatures to approve ... yeah, that's gonna happen in my lifetime.
Chairman Kline is a joke ... but a powerful man with a committee budget of $16,158,348 and NO ACCOMPLISHMENTS.
IMO, the Obama Administration has not handled the Benghazi situation well ... but when dealing with foreign affairs, it is best to keep quiet ... I have been worried that the attention given to this incident would lead to leaked secrets of who and where our agents are at ... and now it appears that Chairman Issa has released documents revealing just that information.
When voters go to the polls, they are voting for the person that will represent them in Congress ... but the question should be : Will you represent us or just follow the instructions of Party Managers and Committee Chairmen ? I think it would be very interesting to see how many times Raymond Cravaack broke away from his Chairman's instruction in committee votes ... after all, its at the committee level that the bill is shaped ... there are some Members who repeatedly standout voicing disapproval at the committee level but then come in line for the final bill (the theory would be that this is the best that the committee could do, so pass it) and there are some Members who stand out objecting to their leaders instructions.
One thing that I have been waiting for is for someone to claim responsibility for the attack ... nobody has ... but I just read this recap of the events including the actual transcripts of what Ambassador Rice said on the news programs ... puts that ole adage "the lie become the truth when people start believing it" squarely into focus.
ReplyDeleteI wish the GOP had learned from Rumsfeld who learned quickly that you cannot comment on what happened until time and analysis has been given an opportunity for the facts to present themselves.
But this is an election season, and Mittens was quick to condemn and now sees an opening to condemn again.
BTW, let us not forget that Paul Ryan voted against the No-Fly Zone ... so if he had his way, Libya would still be ruled by a dictator and Chris Stevens would not have been in the country.