The modern day equivalent of supporters of the Scopes Monkey Trial laws against evolution.
The ignorance is exactly the same; the signs haven't changed much, only the clothes and the vehicles - and they're still fighting the losing battle against evolution specifically and science generally. On the inside, just as stupid, just as hateful, just as fearful and still relying on religious conformity to save them from.....everything new that frightens them or challenges them to open their minds even a little.

Attending a tea party rally anywhere USA (but especially southern states) are Blubba-Bubba and his mean mommy who lets him live in her basement just as long as he does what she tells him. Neither is capable of informed thought, or critical thinking. They think Glenn 'boo hooo hooo' Beck knows what he is talking about, and believe him, and never, ever spell check OR fact-check.
You hang onto that sign of yours granny, and I hope it gives you comfort when you either lose your health insurance, or they stick it to you by raising your rates through the ceiling, AND kick you off for a pre-existing conition when renewal comes up, AND/OR screw you over when you get sick. You can sing the praises of god and capitalism, and rant about uppity black people in the White House as you rot from preventable or treatable illness.
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