I first learned about this ad by reading a tea party / white whine party blogger who was complaining about it as 'over-dramatic' and 'manipulative'. All I know is that if Rush Limbaugh doesn't like it, it must be good, and worthwhile, and patriotic, because Rush is the opposite of all those things.
Rush thinks that this ad insults women; no, RUSH INSULTS WOMEN, and the right wing culture war against women insults women.
From Politico: Rush Limbaugh: Lena Dunham ad insults women
Rush Limbaugh said Friday that actress Lena Dunham’s ad for President Barack Obama — in which the HBO “Girls” star talks about her “first time” (it’s actually voting for Obama, not like losing her virginity) — insults women as “monolithic sex machines.”
“I don’t know if it’s going to work or backfire. It’s insulting to women. It again looks at women as monolithic sex machines who want to make sure they’ve got unending birth control pills and then a free trip to Planned Parenthood the next day, all paid for by Obama,” Limbaugh said on his radio show, according to audio posted by Daily Rushbo. “If I were a woman today, I would feel insulted each and everyday. The way they look at women: all thinking the same way, all wanting the same things.”
“I don’t know if it’s going to work or backfire. It’s insulting to women. It again looks at women as monolithic sex machines who want to make sure they’ve got unending birth control pills and then a free trip to Planned Parenthood the next day, all paid for by Obama,” Limbaugh said on his radio show, according to audio posted by Daily Rushbo. “If I were a woman today, I would feel insulted each and everyday. The way they look at women: all thinking the same way, all wanting the same things.”
There is nothing - NOTHING - in this ad about Planned Parenthood, about monolithic sex machines, about 'unending birth control pills', or about women 'all wanting the same things'. This is all Rush's fantasy, the same fantasy he concocted and then tried to ascribe to Sandra Fluke when she spoke about the use of birth control pills for a therapeutic use for an illness. This from the man who has apparently taken sex tourist trips to venues which prominently feature underage girls in prostitution with a bottle FULL of a huge number of boner pills.
Rush Limbaugh's answer to contraception, left; Rush Limbaugh's audience, below:
Defininely NOT women!
Hell no, this ad is not offensive to women; this ad is just funny and insightful. I have no regrets about when and with whom I lost my virginity. I remember equally vividly my first time voting; I voted for a Republican, and afterwards, I had voter remorse -- like buyer's remorse, but in many respects it was far more serious because unlike my sexual maturity and decision on a partner, it affected a LOT more people, and affected them adversely.
I made my decision about sex for the first time after reading some excellent guidelines for deciding when I was ready, who the right partner was, so that the decision was one that I could be happy with for the rest of my life. Because I was 18, even though I had researched the political positions of the leading candidates, I voted the way my parents voted.
If I had done the same thing with my sex life, simply done what my parents told me was right instead of thinking for myself, I would have missed out on a lot of important experiences. I would definitely have virginity remorse.
The ad already has a parody, longer, but funny in a different way if not as clever as the original.
The irony is that while claiming the original Obama ad is 'manipulative' and 'over-dramatic', the number of white right extremists running around saying really crazy and hysterical and of course, factually inaccurate things is amazing. These people are certifiable nut jobs, who have no business pointing any accusing finger at anybody.
First we have the preceding example of Mitts on R-money lying to voters in Defiance Ohio about Jeeps being outsourced to China when in fact Jeep is ADDING 1100 jobs in Detroit Michigan.
Then we have Diane West and Frank Geffney, right wing wackos that hang with nut-job and Minnesota embarrassment Michele Bachmann in her insane attack on Hilary Clinton's aide, claiming that the attack in Benghazi was a 'fortunate' event because it helped Romney. 1. No, it was a tragedy; and 2. I don't think it hurt Obama, but Romney's response to it has certainly backfired on him.
The we have the stupidest man ever to be elected to Congress in the history of the United States, Louis Gohmert, claiming the Obama administration is being advised and directed by the Muslim Brotherhood.
And not to be outdone for embarrassingly stupid, we have former Bush ambassador, John Bolton, now a Romney advisor, asserting that Obama is going to 'reinstitute blasphemy laws'. Ummm hello? As I wrote here, a number of individual states, as well as a number of European nations do have blasphemy laws on the books -- but no one is using them, and there are no federal blasphemy laws for Obama to RE-institute. Not that Bolton and reality or fact were ever close on any occasion.
Then we have another Romney adviser, Whalid Phares, claiming that Obama has 'quit' the war on terrorism, and claiming that the Obama administration is now WORKING FOR the Muslim Brotherhood. Yeah, right - tell that to bin Laden. Tell that to Morsi of Egypt. Tell that to Quadaffi - although of course to discuss the subject with either Quadaffi or bin Laden, you'll need a spiritual medium.
We also have Bryan Wilson of the dreadful American Family Association, claiming that Obama is waging war on Christians because he included options for contraception in Obamacare. No one is forced to use it; but it is available in spite of some people wanting to deny it to other people -- including Christians who use and want coverage for contraception.
Faith 2 Action president Janet Porter claims Obama was 'demonic' in the debates; yup, because you have to worry about demonic possession in this election (but do not compare anything to life benchmarks like voting).
The conservatives are NOT the values party; they are the immoral lying bastards party. Nothing muslim, gay or supernatural about it; just plain old dirty greed and power grabbing politics as usual, topped with a generous dollop of hypocrisy.
I'd vote twice to get next to a pair of Gams like that! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO
ReplyDeleteOh wait, I shouldn't joke about voter fraud, WHOOPS