if this explains why we call right wingers hypocrites and liars, Donald the fool Trump, Romney, the whole lot of them.
It is because they ARE liars and hypocrites; they insult us with their insincerity and dishonesty.
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It is because they ARE liars and hypocrites; they insult us with their insincerity and dishonesty.
go back to midtown, ya sleaze!
written by Trancecoach
Cracks me up how he tries to avoid the question about where the items were made before David calls him out.
written by ToastyBuffoon
Exactly, fucking exactly. It's this sort of hypocritical bullshit that Trump and others need to be called out on more often. It's not like it's hard to find... just expose their bullshit for what it is.
written by spoco2
Speechless Trump is speechless.
written by mikeydamonster
I wonder where his wig was made?
written by critical_d
written by L0cky
It would only have been better had Dave then plunged a chef's knife into Trump's heart at that exact moment.
written by Xax
It's funny how jealous and vendictive liberals are. Liberals are the weak link in the United States. Trump would love to have his ties made here. He tries to shed light on the issues companies in the US are facing like Unions, high taxes, Obamacare etc.. Nothing will get better til O'bummer is out of office/impeached. I look forward to your ridiculous responses which won't consist of any originality or reality.
written by HiLibtards
Your comment has nothing to do with the content of this video, therefore is just hateful, useless gabber. Why dont you try to become more open minded about politicians policies before coming in here and making yourself look like an idiot.
written by SteeleCzar
Far be it for me to defend Trump in any way, but he never said not to do business with China. His campaign against China is all about how the US is getting on tariffs, import/export duties, and trade treaties. I have seen his rants about China on talk shows previously and it is always the same - China negotiates deals with us very shrewdly and the US rolls over to their slightest demands.
written by DrDelos

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