At least one woman leader of the tea party has said that the worst thing that ever happened in this country was women being 'given' the vote. Janis Lane, head of a Mississippi tea party says so; human harpy and media whore Ann Coulter said it in 2007. So did a state senator, a woman, in 2001 in Kansas. And so have tea party religious righties.
And of course, we have Antonin Scalia who doesn't see the Equal Protection clause of the constitution as opposing discrimination against women, which would also apply to our basic rights like voting on the basis of gender.
We even have southern right wing nuts, all good Christians in their own minds, claiming that we shouldn't have outlawed slavery, if the Bible institutionalizes it. It's the same kind of thinking that asserts women should be subordinate and submissive, and that women and children should be struck if they are at all rebellious - even killed.
These people are monsters, they are evil, they engage in thinking that belongs in the dark ages, thinking and belief that is hideous and ignorant and lacking in ethics, values and fundamental humanity. They try to use religion to justify monstrous policies and legislation. They are morally bankrupt, and dangerous to individual people and even more dangerous to the nation.
Vote, vote and donate and volunteer to keep dangerous conservatives out of power, and take every opportunity to push back against this backward group of people and their political ideology. They are a menace to our way of life and our fundamental national values, and the principles of the founding fathers we have improved upon since the original drafting of the Constitution.

And of course, we have Antonin Scalia who doesn't see the Equal Protection clause of the constitution as opposing discrimination against women, which would also apply to our basic rights like voting on the basis of gender.
We even have southern right wing nuts, all good Christians in their own minds, claiming that we shouldn't have outlawed slavery, if the Bible institutionalizes it. It's the same kind of thinking that asserts women should be subordinate and submissive, and that women and children should be struck if they are at all rebellious - even killed.
These people are monsters, they are evil, they engage in thinking that belongs in the dark ages, thinking and belief that is hideous and ignorant and lacking in ethics, values and fundamental humanity. They try to use religion to justify monstrous policies and legislation. They are morally bankrupt, and dangerous to individual people and even more dangerous to the nation.
Vote, vote and donate and volunteer to keep dangerous conservatives out of power, and take every opportunity to push back against this backward group of people and their political ideology. They are a menace to our way of life and our fundamental national values, and the principles of the founding fathers we have improved upon since the original drafting of the Constitution.

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