Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Intersection of Religion and Politics

We're still waiting on conservatives to become enlightened and factually accurate about race........

Why was Mitt Romney silient about this prior to 1978. 

In 1978 Mitt Romney had clout and stature within the Mormon Church, he was 31 years old so if he felt the churchs viewpoint was wrong then why did he NOT take a stand against it! To justify and distance himself and his family from the racist viewpoints of the Mormon chruch at that time he said quote "My dad marched with Martin Luther King Jr." which is actually 100% FALSE! Get real if Rommeys dad was ever with Martin Luther King Jr, the Romney family would have a photograph. So some people say I met "fill in blank" before but I did not take a picture with them, which I personally fully understand since I have met a few celebrities and athletes over the years but I did not take a picture with them either. However, ....George Romney was a GOVERNOR of a major state (where as you or I are not) and secondly MLK Jr was a Nobel Peace Prize winner doing something to change the world for the better (I like "fill in the blank" celebrity/athlete but they are not doing that), thirdly politicians do what is and has always been called "PHOTO-OP's" just for this exact reason.

Here is Mitt Romney on Meet The Press in 2007 trying to "explain" it/himself. Now pay attention he said his DAD (not him) marched with Martin Luther King Jr. which is 100% FALSE! Yet another lie with Mitt Romney and it isnt even from this 2011-2012 campaign:

Mitt Romney's father George Romney did NOT march with Martin Luther King Jr:

Black people and early Mormonism - 

Oh you dont think I am aware of Harry Reid being a Mormon? Or big Republican Senator (former one GOP POTUS candidate) Orin Hatch. Or a guy whom I like former Utah Governor, former US Ambassador to China, former GOP POTUS candidate Jon Huntsman, etc etc. No...I know. But the difference is those men mentioned DO NOT hide what they believe in. Those men DO NOT have over 20 years of FLIP FLOPPING on the issues/LYING or being HYPOCRITICAL. Mitt has decided to not only embrace Donald Trump (thus embracing BIRTHERISM) but now he has continued to do it himself (see the link below) and his now famous "No one has asked for my birth certificate" comment.
Mitt Romney: "No One Has Ever Asked To See My Birth Certificate"!/photo.php?fbid=427997157246110&set=a.227154890663672.57203.217866534925841&type=1&permPage=1

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