The ignorance is breathtaking.
It is even worse when you factor in the duty free terminus of Port Arthur and the Keystone XL pipeline, where we have subsidized the oil industry with millions, but won't get back a dime in tax revenue from our oil being sold to the global markets -- where we can compete for it with China and India and the rest of the world, to pay top dollar.
The oil is sold for the same price as taxed oil; the oil sellers keep the difference as additional profit.
Neither more drilling NOR the Keystone Pipeline helps our national energy costs go down --- not by a single thin dime.
Anyone who thinks drill baby drill makes sense is ignorant of where that oil is going to go. NO politician promoting that policy on the right has suggested for even a moment that we keep American petroleum and petroleum-related jobs confined to the United States.
THAT would cut into the pure profits of the oil industry wealthy conservatives, like the Koch Brothers.
The Tea Partiers and other extreme conservatives, which includes most mainstream Republicans, are fools and suckers when they oppose energy alternatives to fossil fuels. The politicians who take money to promote this to their base are among the most corrupt people for whom there will likely be a special separate hell, if there is any justice in an afterlife, for having conned these willingly gullible stooges.
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