Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hooray! Voter Suppression in PA STOPPED!

Right wing efforts to disenfranchise Americans is foiled!  Pennsylvania legislators who passed this law NEVER had a real problem with voter fraud and they ADMITTED there was no voter fraud problem.  Conservatives at all times in this effort were ONLY trying to prevent people from voting.  To help achieve that goal they also CUT the funding for the agencies that were responsible for issuing the required ID in Pennsylvania, making it impossible for people to comply with the law, thereby being unable to vote. That resulted in Pennsylvania, as it had in other states like Wisconsin, in the closing of offices where ID could be obtained, and reducing hours dramatically in others, to as little as one afternoon a week, or one day every other week.  In Wisconsin and in Pennsylvania, hours remained more available in districts that were more heavily Republican voters, while being more drastically reduced or eliminated in districts that were more heavily Democratic voters. 


Attempting to subvert the premise of one person / one vote, attempting to rig an election so that eligible voters could not vote, is profoundly UNAMERICAN and profoundly conservative.  The right does NOT believe in the Constitution or the foundational values of this country; they are just attempting to grab control of government to sell off to special interests -- 'their people'.


The profits of corporations go to some people - a few people, the uppermost 1% of people; THEIR people, the people who OWN the right wing politicians.  Those politicians continue to rig the playing field so it give unfair advantages to the wealthiest, and creates growing disadvantages for everyone else.  They see themselves as victimized by others, while trying to get others to pay unfair taxes, and to provide labor at unfairly low wage rates.

The right wing voter suppression has been stopped, at least for now, in Pennsylvania.  Romney will not win, not there, not nationally either.  He has toxic policies, he is neither trusted nor believed.

Fairness wins, Democracy wins; the right wing loses, and well they should, in Pennsylvania and everywhere else.

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