Tuesday, October 2, 2012

'Polling Trutherism' - the right wing conspiracy, it now has a name!


I like it; it fits as an appropriate name for the newly promoted conspiracy theory.  It's not a totally new conspiracy, but it has a new resurgence this election cycle.

Republican Math / Conservative Math / Tea Party Math - it is bad, it is not accurate, it is not honest, and consistently, it doesn't add up.  It is another, a classic, example of where ideology dominates and ignores reality and fact that is inconsistent with belief and desire for something to be true.

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  1. Produce the sampling data or the polls are meaningless.....

  2. Funny how that is only a problem when the right is losing.

    Not funny ha ha, just funny that they believe every loss is because of a conspiracy, and they never EVER seem to take responsibility for their part of the outcome.

    That's blind ideology. There's no point producing something that the right is incapable of seeing.

    The polls are NOT meaningless; as has been noted elsewhere, polling has become capable of being a more reliably predictive, although not perfect, science, including the aspect of sampling.

    The notion that it is plausible so many different polls were showing Romney losing was a conspiracy - a vast conspiracy - is just silly.

  3. I notice Dog Gone is the one making these comments, not her esteemed co-blogger who has extensive academic credentials with statistics.

    In other words, the least informed person is making the most allegations.

    Mitch at SITD has absolutely destroyed your analysis. Do you understand why? Let me help you.

    If I poll 100 registered Democrats and ask each "Who do you intend to vote for" it's likely the result will favor Obama. Is that a meangingful poll? NO, because the voting population isn't 100% Democrats.

    But if the media reports those poll results as "Obama has overwhelming lead" the headline itself can cause otherwise undecided voters to say "Oh, I guess there's no point in voting, Obama has an overwhelming lead." Candidates who might have been viable become unelectable because the media influences the electorate with misleading statistics.

    Those polls generally favor Democrats. As documented in the last several election cycles.

    It's possible Obama will win. But it's possible he'll be helped over the line by the very fraudulent and misleading polls you endorse.


    1. Mitch at SITD has absolutely destroyed your analysis. Do you understand why? Let me help you.

      NO, Mitch hasn't even remotely rebutted me.

      Any claim which begins with a conspiracy theory by mass media like the one he posited is so full of crap, it is closer to overflowing with it than those massive pig farm hog sewage collectors that foam and sometimes explode. (http://www.motherjones.com/tom-philpott/2012/02/explosive-hog-farm-manure-foam)

      He has NOTHING. He consistently makes stuff up -- like you do -- and calls it fact while ignoring everything else except his cherry picked minor detail, and then goes on to more massively misrepresent it by pretending the other facts don't exist.

      Polling companies, left, right or center, rely on increasingly refined science to produce the most accurate results available to them. That is the service they are providing to their customers, and their business relies on it. Anyone who thinks ALL these organizations, which compete with each other, are suddenly going to put years of business results on the line by colluding in massive fraud to go after Romney is simply political-deluded insanity.

      Here is the opening about polling from an email being sent around by Josh Mandel, the opponent in Ohio to Sherrod Brown in the senate race there, that explains the REAL FACTUAL reason why the polling is done the way it is, AT THE DIRECTION OF WHO PAYS FOR THE POLLS - including when it is REPUBLICANS. Keep in mind - this is a republican fund raising message, about REPUBLICAN PAID-FOR POLLING that says the SAME THING as ALL THE OTHER POLLS.


      My campaign manager just handed me new polling results from our polling firm, Public Opinion Strategies. This is the same firm that's doing Governor Romney's polling and does numerous Senate and Governor races nationwide.

      To be conservative they polled more Democrats than Republicans, but the results include a lot of good news, and just reiterate that we're in a dead heat battle.

      Here are some of the key numbers:..."

      and it goes on to conclude:

      "If you're motivated by these poll numbers and want to help us win Ohio and take back the Senate majority, click here to invest.

      Your investment of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or more will help project my positive message of Changing Washington through fiscal discipline and advancing the free enterprise system.

      Your support will also give us the ammunition to repel the desperate attacks coming from Harry Reid and the SEIU, AFL-CIO and teacher's unions.

      Will you join me today?

      We are positioned well to win this race and be the 51st vote for Senate Republicans, but I need your help at whatever level is most comfortable for you.

      The other side is spending over $24 million against me because they're looking at the same polling numbers we're looking at. "

      THERE IS NO SAMPLING ERROR, but you have serious FACTUAL errors, from which you explode like foaming pig poop into even more dramatic errors of interpretation and opinion.

      It should be a clue to you when you're off the rails when only the far right extreme wackos like Rush Limbaugh promote an idea (see my comments on his penile concerns above).

      You are not good at science, and you are particularly bad at real math.
