The GOP likes to claim they are "the party of Lincoln".
They used to be; they aren't any more, and have not been for quite a long time. Their move further and further to the right is movement in the opposite direction from the positions of Lincoln and the LIBERALS who formed the GOP out of the failed Whig party.
Lincoln gave his most famous speech, the Gettysburg address at the dedication of the Civil War cemetery near the site of the Battle of Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, in 1863. The most famous words in the Gettysburg Address are "Four score and seven years ago" referring to the American Revolution, and these referring to the institution of representative government, government that is elected on the premise of one man = one vote::

They used to be; they aren't any more, and have not been for quite a long time. Their move further and further to the right is movement in the opposite direction from the positions of Lincoln and the LIBERALS who formed the GOP out of the failed Whig party.
Lincoln gave his most famous speech, the Gettysburg address at the dedication of the Civil War cemetery near the site of the Battle of Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, in 1863. The most famous words in the Gettysburg Address are "Four score and seven years ago" referring to the American Revolution, and these referring to the institution of representative government, government that is elected on the premise of one man = one vote::
"government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."This is why a systematic and endemic effort to tamper with elections, and especially t o suppress voting, is the antithesis of what Abraham Lincoln believed in and supported. This is the antithesis of what the founding fathers believed in and supported too. Nothing emphasizes this failure on the right, this abandonment of the party of Lincoln than the image below

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