Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Down Under Perspective on Elections

Other countries find our election process too long, too loud, too fact-averse, and way too complicated.

They might be right.

No, this 'down under' isn't the one that the Full Frontal Freedom / Wrong Direction pool-side guys were talking about, and it is not about Rush Limbaugh being crabby and paranoid because of penile inferiority or his supposed erectile dysfunction causing him to be a raging misogynist.

It's about our party convention politics; I assume there is a follow up available for the electoral college part of elections.

And yes - the rest of the world  (or ROW, the Eddie Izzard acronym for it) is laughing - and they think we are not only silly, but a little crazy.  They also tend to find Obama much more sane and rational than Mitts or Dubya, or their lying neocon  advisers.

Thanks Laci for entertaining me with this, this morning; I'm a fan of Kat Stewart from back in her Supernova series days.

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